LocustWorld Networking Systems
Supporting customers over wired and wireless connections. Long range wireless links connect towns and regions, while local access points service directly to end users in public and private premises.
Network management, customer registration and online transactions are fully integrated, enabling many kinds of digital applications.

LocustWorld ID
Providing Photo ID access control and membership programs. Mobile terminals transact E-Commerce and E-Government business, directly linked to central database services. LocustWorld CCTV systems monitor key locations with real time access and historical archives.

System Consulting Services
LocustWorld Bissau provides systems consulting services to plan and execute major systems projects. Project applications include E‑Commerce, Wide Area Networking, E‑Government, Internal Systems and Specific Vertical Markets according to customer demands, providing hardware, software, systems and services as needed. Drawing on our hands-on experience and flexibility, LocustWorld is the ideal partner for any systems project in Bissau.Working in a tropical environment presents many challenges. For continuous operation, solid system design needs to be backed up local engineering support.
LocustWorld Bissau has the resources needed to respond rapidly to field engineering calls and keep customer systems working smoothly. The LocustWorld systems are designed to work in extreme environments, extending beyond the normal reach of conventional telecommunications systems.
LocustWorld first came to West Africa at the invitation of ARTP, the Senegalese Telecoms Regulator, to advise and assist with projects to provide communications networks into rural communities, drawing from experience of rural telecoms in Europe and the Americas.
Since then we have undertaken very many different projects. We apply our experience and expertise to deliver successful projects to meet expanding customer needs.

Contact Us
By Post:
LocustWorld Bissau SARL
Pinto Pereira & Associados
Rua Justino Lopes, 74
C.P. 210 Bissau
Rep. Guiné-Bissau
West Africa
Email: bissau @locustworld.com
Telephone: +245 910 8700